Dealing With A Toxic Boss C

Case Solution

David L. Bradford
Stanford Graduate School of Business ()

This case is divided into cases A, B, and C. See OB85 Dealing with a Toxic Boss for an expanded version of the full case. Case in point: Ned was a mid-level manager at a large construction company. Half a year earlier, a competitor had hired him to open up the company’s market in the fast-growing southeast region. He was sent to Atlanta to expand this business. As it turned out, the biggest challenge was not with the market, but with their boss, Bill, the Southeast Regional Director. Case A describes Ned’s experience working with Bill and Ned’s analysis of how to deal with the situation. Case B: After a meeting with Bill that showed no improvement, Ned decided to contact John, the president of the company, to discuss the negative impact of Bill’s behavior on the construction of the Southeast Region. Case B deals with Ned’s discussion with the president of the company, Bill’s subsequent behavior, and new problems that arose at the regional office. Case C: Ned struggled to continue addressing issues with Bill and the impact of Bill’s actions on business and employee growth, or he simply quit. Case C looks at Ned’s decision, his plans to implement that decision, and the impact of his actions on others.

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