The Battle Over the Clinton Health Care Proposal (Sequel)

Case Solution

Esther Scott, Roger Porter
Harvard Kennedy School ()

This case provides a succinct account of the shocking failure of the Clinton administration’s initiative to reorganize America’s health and insurance system to ensure universal coverage and control costs. The case traces the origins of the reform push and describes the structure and proposal of the Government Health Task Force, led by First Lady Hillary Clinton and led by Ira Magaziner. The case, however, focuses on the scope and nature of opposition to the plan, particularly from the business community, implicitly raising the question of how management might have handled the matter differently and what factors , substance or tactics or both, led to the rejection of the resistance has been successful. The case is also a vehicle for discussion of business and government relations in the US through its focus on both the nature of the US health insurance system (primarily privately employed) and diversity. from business and interest groups within the U.S. private sector Case number HKS 1600.0

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