B case by case UV7765 This case represents a mix of frequently reported experiences that people have when dealing with others from different social classes and positions of power. Case A takes the perspective of Dan Marlow, who grew up with access to financial and cultural resources and built his own construction company. You just fired Robby Gomez, an otherwise hard worker, for being chronically late and wondering why he’s having a hard time motivating and retaining employees. Case B represents the point of view of Gómez, who works hard but struggles to get to work on time due to practical difficulties, such as car problems and obligations to his family and others in his community. By comparing the perspectives and experiences of these two protagonists, students learn to see how our own experiences and cultural insights can influence our decisions and the employee programs we design. Since we are unaware of cultural norms that we have not personally experienced, we need to incorporate a variety of viewpoints into the design and decision-making process to design effective systems and enable effective interactions across differences.
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