Veracity Worldwide: Evaluating FCPA-Related Risks in West Africa

Case Solution

Aldo Musacchio
Harvard Business School ()

This case deals with the corruption, reputational and expropriation risks associated with a potential mining company in West Africa. Mine Master, a multinational mining company based in the United States, was considering investing in a post-conflict zinc concession in a West African country. Its potential partner, Megametals, based in the United Kingdom, had acquired the rights to the operation in question in 2005 after the end of the civil war in the country and under worrying circumstances. The protagonist of the case, Steven Fox, CEO of the consultancy and risk assessment Veracity Worldwide, had to assess the various risks and guide the CEO of Mine Master in the continuation of the partnership. Should he advise the master of the mine to continue the deal with Megametals? What could be the potential downside to such a move?

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