Cedar Environmental: Innovation vs. Corruption in Lebanon?

The case follows Ziad Abi Chaker, founder and CEO of Cedar Environmental, an environmental technology company in Lebanon, as he weighs his options for growing the company despite obstacles to growth, particularly the prevailing public corruption. in your industry, you refused to participate. Abi Chaker founded Cedar Environmental shortly after the Lebanese Civil War with …

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Flight 3U8633: A Terrifying Experience at 10,000 Meters

On May 14, 2018 at 6:27 a.m., an Airbus A319, flight 3U8633 operated by Sichuan Airlines, took off. It was getting dark. The flight to and from Lhasa was very difficult. The route was marked by rugged terrain and changeable weather, and there were several tall mountains below. The plane passed through Chengdu and was …

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SureCut Shears, Inc.

A bank loan officer must decide whether to waive the agreements and extend the terms of a line of credit granted to SureCut Shears. It is debatable whether SureCut’s inability to pay its line of credit was due to a temporary economic downturn or other long-term financial problems.

Laia Bertran (D)

Case D describes the events in the lives of Jordi and Laia from 2008, the year in which Case C ended, until 2015, when Jordi was offered a transfer to the United States as CEO of a subsidiary of the company for which he works . During this time Laia and Jordi have their second …

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Strategy Execution Module 12: Aligning Performance Goals and Incentives

This module explains how managers use performance goals and incentives to ensure that employee actions are in line with the company’s overall business strategy. The module begins by discussing how managers use goals to communicate business strategy, the importance of goals and benchmarks for motivation, and the multiple purposes used to include planning, coordination, motivation, …

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Trouble with a Bubble

Study technology, corporate performance, and the stock market during the Great Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of the 1930s. The 1920s was an extraordinary period of technological advancement, marked by a sharp rise in stock market prices. . Companies invested heavily in research and development as well as human capital, while mass production …

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Giving Feedback

The main objective of this technical note is to provide the theoretical foundations that allow a better understanding of the different responses to feedback, as well as to improve the effectiveness and quality of communication at work and in the workplace.

INOUT Hostel – Maria Jose Pujol

In 1976 María José founded Pujol Taiga, a school that offered high quality education to children with learning disabilities, with the aim of improving the opportunities for school, social and professional integration of its students. In addition, in the 1990s, María José developed initiatives such as Icaria Arts Grafiques or the Bogatell Occupational Center to …

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iCompute: The Marsh/Jones Dilemma

Jane Ryan is the founder, owner, and CEO of iCompute, a computer services company. Ryan founded the company in 1995 and has grown steadily by providing network and computing services to a wide variety of customers. Initial growth was driven by large contracts with large institutions, but more recently growth has come from medium and …

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