Guns and Roses (A): Educating Educators through Peer Coaching Programmes

Case Solution

Tan Swee Liang, Michael Netzley, Sarita Mathur
Singapore Management University ()

This case is a two-part series on the value of teaching forums and peer coaching programs in resolving conflicting educational philosophies. Case A takes place in September 2009, shortly after James Nelson, assistant professor at Singapore University of Management, sought advice from practitioner Harry Denon regarding declining student grades for their teaching performance. Then Den Nelson’s lectures and discussions with him about his teaching style. The discussions are very helpful to Nelson, who can now decide how to approach his class and how much to change his approach to teaching. The case examines the value of the feedback that teachers receive from different perspectives: students, peers, and self-reflection. It is ideal for teacher development and continuing education courses that cover different educational philosophies and the effectiveness of student assessment processes. In Case B, Nelson reflects on his peer coaching experience and how his thought process has evolved throughout the coaching program. He also describes some of the changes he has made to his teaching strategy and course evaluation methods, and how he has refined his teaching philosophy.

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