Rico Auto Industries: Raising Private Equity in India

The CEO of a publicly traded Indian auto parts manufacturer has to decide whether to accept a stake in a consortium of private equity companies. He describes the decision-making process for both private equity investors and entrepreneurs and describes the opportunities and risks of investing in India.

Hilton: Combating Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry

This case focuses on Hilton’s response to the global problem of human trafficking in the hotel industry. Describes Hilton’s responses to date and discusses the company’s human rights policies and forward-thinking anti-trafficking initiatives. This includes such matters as reviewing Hilton’s internal code of conduct and related policies and procedures, training staff to detect and report …

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Premier Foods Plc: Interest Rate Swaps

A vice president of a hedge fund must decide whether his fund will acquire a 5 percent stake in Premier Foods Plc (Premier). At the time of the proceedings, Premier, a publicly traded British food and drink company, was heavily in debt after a period of aggressive growth in acquisitions. In addition, Premier had issued …

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Veracity Worldwide: Evaluating FCPA-Related Risks in West Africa

This case deals with the corruption, reputational and expropriation risks associated with a potential mining company in West Africa. Mine Master, a multinational mining company based in the United States, was considering investing in a post-conflict zinc concession in a West African country. Its potential partner, Megametals, based in the United Kingdom, had acquired the …

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Hospital Corp. of America (B)

It focuses on HCA funding opportunities to meet its target capital structure. Options include a new convertible bond stock conversion, a debt currency swap, asset sales, and fixed income debt. Students must address the issue of timing and market signaling when choosing financing instruments.

Financing the Mozal Project

It’s June 1997 and a team from International Finance Corp. (IFC) recommends that the board approve a $ 120 million investment in a $ 1.4 billion aluminum smelter in Mozambique, known as Project Mozal. Four factors make the investment controversial: it would be the largest IFC investment in the world, the total investment is almost …

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Darden Capital Management–The Monticello Fund

Investigates investment strategy decisions made by a student portfolio management team at Darden Capital Management in 2004. Case materials allow students to estimate expected returns based on CAPM using market data. The case focuses on the introduction of the portfolio allocation decision; Investigation of the relevance of various investment risk indicators; Develop a sentiment of …

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Chips on the Side (A): The Buy-Out of Avago Technologies

A consortium of private equity firms (KKR and Silver Lake Partners) is currently acquiring Agilent’s semiconductor business. In preparation for the signing of the purchase agreement and subsequent transfer of ownership, the negotiation team reviews your investment thesis regarding opportunities and risks. Visit the website dedicated to the case http://cases.insead.edu/chipsontheside/ (copy and paste the URL …

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Risk Management at Wellfleet Bank: All That Glitters Is Not Gold

This case stimulates a debate on the role of staff functions such as risk management: what does it mean for them to be independent and at the same time be partners in business units? The case describes the corporate credit risk assessment process at Wellfleet Bank (circa 2006-2009) around a vivid corporate credit business proposition …

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