Illustrative Transformations (B)

Susan, a first-year analyst at a trading company, is the only woman in a small group of 30 analysts after Paulette was promoted to associate third-year analyst. You and the rest of the analysts are called to a staff meeting because one of the male analysts has placed sticky notes with pictures of penises in …

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Chris and Alison Weston (A)

Chris and Alison Weston describe how they, a well-educated middle-class couple, committed a mail fraud for which they spent a year and a half in federal prison. The case shows students how righteous people like them can commit crimes without actually being aware that they are doing it.

The Kommon Goods: Creating Change Through Social Entrepreneurship

Green lifestyle online startup The Kommon Goods, founded by Alvin Li, a young social consultant and entrepreneur from Hong Kong, wants to change consumer behavior with its sustainable products platform. The social enterprise is also committed to driving change in the B2B space while raising awareness of the growing problem of plastic waste in Hong …

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Analyst’s Dilemma (A)

A young investment banker returns home one night to find that her roommate and best friend has been fired from Universal Bank because Universal is closing its equity financing group. Her roommate agrees to keep this information confidential, as the news will not be released for several days. However, the protagonist knows that Universal’s equity …

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The Constitutional Roots of Freedom of Speech

This note, written to discuss “The NBA, China and Social Media: What are the rules of the game?” To accompany. (UVAE0459), but useful in conjunction with other cases, shows the history of free speech in the United States. The US Constitution did not originally contain the Bill of Rights (which contains Amendments 1 to 10), …

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Chinese History and the National Humiliation Narrative

This note describes how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), founded in 1949, has tried to create and maintain an official representation of the country and the regime that is positive and minimizes all the negative. A key component of the historical narrative was the so-called China Century of Humiliation, in which China was exploited by …

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Contract Cheating Lands Close to Home

In late 2020, a Canadian university professor received an email from a student concerned about contract fraud (that is, a student submitting someone else’s work for credit) in his class. When the instructor read the email, many questions with no obvious answers came to mind. He wondered what his professional and personal responsibilities were in …

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Martha McCaskey

Martha McCaskey, a project manager for a consulting firm, is asked to complete a project at a crucial point in her career. Successful completion of the project would earn McCaskey a substantial promotion and raise. McCaskey, however, sees no way to complete the project without compromising her values. She has to decide whether she wants …

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Illustrative Transformations (A)

Susan, a first-year analyst at a trading company, is the only woman in a small group of 30 analysts after Paulette was promoted to associate third-year analyst. You and the rest of the analysts are called to a staff meeting because one of the male analysts has posted sticky notes with pictures of penises at …

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A Letter from Prison

Stephen Richards, former director of global sales for Computer Associates, Inc. (CA), is serving a seven-year prison sentence for financial fraud. In this case, Richards responded in a letter to a graduate student to a series of questions about leadership responsibility and financial performance manipulation.