Student Guide to the Case Method: Note 5 – Making an Oral Case Presentation

Case Solution

Susan J. Van Weelden, Laurie George Busuttil
Ivey Publishing ()

Case analysis is a powerful tool for teaching, learning, and most importantly practicing the art and science of management. The case method immerses students in real life situations and enables them to develop their business skills by analyzing realistic situations, applying business theories and tools, and presenting well-founded recommendations for action. However, working with cases is an unfamiliar educational approach to most new business students and is often misunderstood by advanced students. The case guide series introduces students to the case method and guides them in unobtrusive notes through the tasks that typically arise when assigning cases: analyzing a case, discussing cases in class, writing case reports, and making presentations (individually and in groups) and write case reviews. A final note introduces students to the most common business tools used for case analysis. This tried and tested series is best suited as a complete package to guide students to the case method, but each note stands out on its own and can be used as a supplement to other course materials. Creating an Oral Case Presentation – Providing effective presentations is a cornerstone of good business practice. However, students may find it daunting and stressful to present their analysis and results to an audience, individually or as part of a small team. Note 5 in the case study series provides students with the resources they need to develop and deliver concise presentations that capture the main directions of their analysis and present them in a professional and engaging manner. It also provides practical advice on how to create audiovisual support materials.

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