Jonathan Chang, Lipika Bhattacharya
Singapore Management University (SMU274-PDF-ENG)
December 10, 2016
The case describes the decision-making dilemma of an entrepreneur, Jack Sim, whose social initiative aims to establish an innovative platform in Singapore and South Asia to serve the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) that represents the majority of the world population (60%) to whom to live in poverty. The main goals of the Sims Initiative BoP Hub are to provide professional services to social entrepreneurs targeting the BoP market and help them develop and scale their businesses. Social entrepreneurs who want to cater to the needs of this population group face a plethora of challenges: most notably the lack of affordability of the BoP, inadequate access to basic facilities, and the lack of access routes to the BoP market. . In addition to social goals, the BoP also has financial incentives, as the volume potential in this segment is enormous and the goal is to move up to the middle class. Challenges Sim faces in creating a platform to catalyze innovative products and services for the BoP include the lack of access to traditional fundraising methods, the need for a common organizational strategy for entrepreneurs serving the BoP, which it results in the need for multiple services and the need for a well-understood model to scale your business.
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